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Winter safety: Advice for parents and kids

Winter play

Active games, making snow angels and building snowmen will help to keep your child warm. Teach your children a few important rules to go along with winter play.
•Stay away from snowplows and snow blowers.
•Choose play areas away from roads, fences and water.
•Take extra caution when crossing roads. It might be hard for drivers to see you playing if they have snowy or frosty windows. Icy roads can also make it difficult to stop.
•Snowballs should never be aimed at people or cars. They are especially dangerous when the snow is hard-packed or icy. Instead, throw snowballs at safe targets, like trees or telephone poles.
•Building forts and tunnels can be fun, but this activity should always be supervised by an adult. Forts and tunnels can collapse and suffocate you.
•Don’t play on roadside snow banks. Snowplow drivers or other drivers may not see you.
•Don’t put metal objects in your mouth. Lips and tongues can freeze to the metal and cause an injury.
•Don’t eat snow, which can be dirty.