Winter safety: Advice for parents and kids


If your child’s feet and hands are warm, what they are wearing is usually good. If your child is dressed too warm, she could sweat and feel colder when she stops playing.
•Dress your child in layers of clothing that can be put on and taken off easily.
•Wear a hat because a lot of body heat is lost through the head.
•Keep ears covered at all times to prevent frostbite.
•Wear mittens instead of gloves so that fingers can be bunched together for warmth.
•Wear warm, waterproof boots that are roomy enough for an extra pair of socks and to wiggle toes.
•Remove drawstrings from clothing that could catch on climbing or play equipment. Use Velcro or other snaps instead.
•Use a neck warmer instead of a scarf, and mitten clips instead of a string to prevent choking.
•Remove wet clothing and boots immediately after playing.
•Infants being pulled in a sled need extra bundling. Because they aren’t moving, they can’t generate body heat the way a playing child can.

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