Strange Things You Likely Didn’t Know???

-The active ingredient in most toothpastes is called sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride can be lethal, young children using regular toothpaste with this ingredient should be monitored. Even swallowing small amounts can cause stomach problems or worse.

-There are no land snakes in New Zealand. It’s part of New Zealand’s bio security to keep all snakes out and if a person is aware of a snake, by law it must be reported.

-Each year Disneyland uses over 5,000 gallons of paint to maintain the clean appearance of the park.

-Dogs can have a fatal reaction to eating chocolate. Chocolate contains a bitter alkaloid called Theobromine also known as Xantheose and that’s the active ingredient that’s bad for the dog.

-A person eats around 60,000 pounds worth of food during his life which is the equivalent of six elephants. Incredible!

-Ants can pull about 30 times their own weight and lift about 50 times their own weight.

-Breast fed babies score slightly higher on mental development tests than ones on formula.

-People who apply sunscreen to themselves generally apply 50-75% less than the recommended amount according to the Archives of Dermatology.


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