Weird Forbidden Things Around the World

Baby Walkers in Canada

Following the results of a series of studies conducted in Canada on babies raised with walkers which showed delayed motor skills, the government banned all baby walkers. Selling them is no longer permitted. Since 2004, babies have to learn to walk the old-fashioned way.

Spanking in Sweden

Remember the old saying “you deserve a good, old-fashioned spanking?” Well, if the Swedes hear you say this, you might get into trouble. Sure, school spanking should be banned everywhere, but in Sweden, not even parents are allowed to spank their children. Sweden was the first country in the world to ban parents from physically punishing their children. Other countries followed and still, school punishments are still allowed in 19 American states.

Chewing Gum in Singapore

It happened to all of us: having a piece of chewing gum stuck to our shoe, or even worse, to our hand when reaching under the table or chair in a restaurant or some other public place. Ever since 1992, selling and using chewing gum in Singapore has been illegal. The law was meant to keep the streets and public places clean. It seems Singapore was filled with used chewing gum, from elevators to gum sticking to subway doors, which even caused delays in the subway system.

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