Two Cape Breton Groups Getting Community Fund Money

Two groups are getting provincial government money to help welcome new healthcare workers and their families to Cape Breton.

The money is coming through the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment Community Fund.

The Cape Breton Health Navigation Society is getting $65,500 for a number of initiatives.

The list includes the creation of an innovation hub, offering welcome packages to newcomers, hosting networking events such as a summer barbeque, providing recreational opportunities at local ski hills and golf clubs, and upgrading video resources promoting Cape Breton.

The Cape Breton Island Centre for Immigration is getting $20,700 to create a program of social events to support spouses and families of healthcare workers new to the island.

Bobby Nock

Bobby grew up in Whycocomagh before moving to Halifax to attend university where he earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Journalism degree. After university, Bobby moved back to Cape Breton where he began working as a freelance journalist and has done work for both print media and as a broadcast journalist. As the News Director, Bobby Nock will get your day started by bringing you information that helps connect you to the community with all the latest in local news.

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