Province To Cover Tuition Costs For Some Paramedics, Emergency Medical Responders

The province will cover full tuition costs for more than 460 people who want to become a primary care paramedic or emergency medical responder.

In return, the government says paramedics will have to work in Nova Scotia for four years and emergency medical responders will be required to work in the province for two years.

The recruitment plan includes $1.9 million to cover tuition for about 180 emergency medical responders.

There’s $3.58 million for tuition for about 150 new primary care paramedics.

The province says it will also cover 100 percent of the tuition for about 135 primary care paramedics currently in training or recent graduates for one extra year of service in Nova Scotia.

They got 50 per cent of their tuition covered by the province in exchange for three years of service in Nova Scotia.

Bobby Nock

Bobby grew up in Whycocomagh before moving to Halifax to attend university where he earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Journalism degree. After university, Bobby moved back to Cape Breton where he began working as a freelance journalist and has done work for both print media and as a broadcast journalist. As the News Director, Bobby Nock will get your day started by bringing you information that helps connect you to the community with all the latest in local news.

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