Googoo Charged With Sexual Assault

Former Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Morley Googoo has been charged with sexual assault.

The 52-year-old is accused of committing the crime in March of 2013 in his home community of We’koqma’q.

An investigation launched by the Assembly in 2019 gathered evidence suggesting Googoo used his influence along with death threats and other forms of intimidation to keep women from contacting police with claims of sexual assault against him.

Those claims led to Googoo’s suspension and subsequent removal as regional chief in October of 2019.

He’s due in a Wagmatcook courtroom on February 3rd.

Bobby Nock

Bobby grew up in Whycocomagh before moving to Halifax to attend university where he earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Journalism degree. After university, Bobby moved back to Cape Breton where he began working as a freelance journalist and has done work for both print media and as a broadcast journalist. As the News Director, Bobby Nock will get your day started by bringing you information that helps connect you to the community with all the latest in local news.

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