Auditor General Highly Critical Of Recommendation Completion Rates

Auditor General Kim Adair says the completion rate of her office’s recommendations has slipped so much in the past three years it raises questions about government’s commitment to get them done.

Adair says the provincial government has completed just 76% of the 2019 recommendations and she says that’s a below-normal rate after three years.

She says momentum has further slowed to 45% and 42% in completing 2020 and 2021 recommendations.

Adair says the Public Works Department is responsible for more than half of the 11 recommendations still not completed from 2019 audits.

She says Public Works has completed just one of the seven recommendations from the 2019 audit of The Selection and Quality Management of Bridge Projects in Central and Western Districts.

Bobby Nock

Bobby grew up in Whycocomagh before moving to Halifax to attend university where he earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Journalism degree. After university, Bobby moved back to Cape Breton where he began working as a freelance journalist and has done work for both print media and as a broadcast journalist. As the News Director, Bobby Nock will get your day started by bringing you information that helps connect you to the community with all the latest in local news.

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