
Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited

 (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM)

Accessibility Feedback Process 2023

PDF Version

Microsoft Word Version (.docx)

Feedback Process

Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM)

Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) welcomes your feedback on any accessibility barriers that you may have encountered in dealing with Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) or your feedback on the way Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) is implementing its Accessibility Plan.

The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) defines a barrier as:

“…anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice—that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”

The person at Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) responsible for receiving feedback is the Accessibility Representative

Feedback can be general or specific, but providing more details such as the date, the name of the webpage, application or activity involved, may make it easier for us to understand your concerns.

Feedback can be sent by:                                                                       


Accessibility Representative
Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM)             

170 George Street, Suite 101                                                                                                             

Sydney, Nova Scotia                                                                                                    

B1P 1J2


  • Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Atlantic Time)




Anonymous Feedback

Individuals providing feedback can provide personal information and contact information, but they do not have to. If you wish to submit feedback anonymously you may wish to use email with an alternate email or alias or call from an unlisted private number. That way we will not see any of your contact information, such as a phone number or personal identifiable email address.

Acknowledgement of Feedback

Immediate acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for feedback received by email. Feedback provided through telephone message or conversation with a Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) representative will result in immediate acknowledgement of receipt by the Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) representative. For feedback received by mail, if contact information is provided, an acknowledgement letter will be mailed to the address provided.

Employee/Volunteer Feedback

Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) employees and volunteers will have the option to provide feedback by email to the Accessibility Representative. Employees who wish to remain anonymous may leave a written submission with the HR Director who in turn will advise the Accessibility Representative of the concerns without identifying the employee or volunteer unless they choose to submit personal information. Where an employee/volunteer requests follow-up, this will also ensure that the fewest number of individuals have access to the employee’s/volunteer’s feedback to maintain the highest level of confidentiality possible.

Feedback from other sources

Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) interacts with the general public via several social media platforms. Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) will acknowledge feedback and create records of any relevant feedback received through these platforms.



How feedback will be used

Feedback will help Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM continuously improve our accessibility efforts. Some feedback may not require a direct response or immediate follow-up, and some may highlight issues that need to be addressed right away. However, all feedback received will help Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7 CKOA-FM) develop its future accessibility plans and it will help us know how we are progressing towards our accessibility goals.


All feedback received will be catalogued and stored in the internal file storage system of Coastal Community Radio Cooperative Limited (The Coast 89.7)’s Accessibility document management system. A filing system has been created specifically to manage feedback related to the ACA. All records stored will be automatically retained for the required seven-year period. Feedback, except for anonymous submissions, will be sorted by source whether it was received from an employee/volunteer or from a community member. These steps will allow for easier reporting at the end of each reporting cycle.

Alternative Formats

Requests for an alternative format of this feedback process description in print, large print, Braille, audio format or an electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology may be made by sending an email to



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