Agreement Signed Between Mi’kmaq Chiefs, Donkin Mine Developers

The developers of the Donkin mine have signed what’s being called an “impact benefits agreement” with the organization representing Mi’kmaq chiefs in Nova Scotia.

Kameron Coal Management says it met in Membertou today with representatives of the Nova Scotia Assembly of Mi’kmaq Chiefs.

Kameron says the agreement will look at equal employment opportunities for the Mi’kmaq, and methods for addressing any potential impacts to Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.

Membertou Chief Terry Paul, who is also the co-chair of the Assembly, says  the agreement gives the Mi’kmaq royalties for every tonne of coal mined for the first time in the nation’s history.

General hiring is now underway for the mine project and Kameron says production is expected to begin late this year.


Dave Desveaux

Dave Desveaux, a native of New Waterford leverages his experience and passion for research in The Coast 89.7 Newsroom where as the Weekday Newscaster. His foray into radio began with a research position at The Coast, which led to the production of a radio documentary on the music of the Mi’kmaq people. The program, entitled “First Nations, First Music” was co-produced with fellow Coast personality Ron Neville and released in early 2011. A graduate of Breton Education Centre, Dave went on to get a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Sociology from Cape Breton University, as well as a Master of Arts Degree in Sociology from Dalhousie University. He has worked as a teaching assistant at Dalhousie, and in various short-term customer service and research positions.

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